Artist Julie Thevenot makes modern the art of the 1970s.

I’m a child of the ’70s and ’80s, when wall hangings and macramé were de rigeur (and I dappled in it the arts myself, thanks to a grade three teacher who coached us in creating an elegant, owl-shaped design). My parents had a fantastic wool and driftwood creation that had dated itself by about 1985, but it lived a good life for at least 15 years in our entryway. On a recent visit to Calgary, I was thrilled to see that the art-centred wall hanging back on display at Kit, with artist Julie Thevenot a leader in the field. Much more understated than the projects you might be familiar with from the ’70s, Thevenot’s designs pair wool, cotton and brass with neon colours and natural dyes. Perfect for the home office that needs a little something fun.Julie Thevenot wall hangings, from $375, available in Calgary at Kit, and in Vancouver at Nouvelle Nouvelle, Thevenot Large Wall Hanging