There was a time when one could read the phrase glory bowl and not think about the BC Centre for Disease Control’s saucy (pun very much intended) suggestions for safe sex during COVID-19. That time is over, as I discovered when my mother proudly presented me a bottle of Whitewater Cooks Glory Bowl dressing that she discovered while on a recent trip to Nelson. Whether or not Shelley Adams, Nelson local and Whitewater Cooks founder, had the sexual connotation in mind when naming the dressing, recent provincial announcements have made the two impossible to not connect.

And this tahini-based sauce on veggies, chicken, rice, et cetera is pretty fantastic. It’s both flavourful and versatile, and I found myself hiding it from my housemates until I realized that it’s actually available basically everywhere (that includes you, Calgary). So far I’ve had it on green beans, carrots, broccoli, chicken, and rice. No flops yet. 

I’ll be picking up a bottle or 10 the next time I make a (masked) venture to the grocery store. In addition to being a delicious little surprise in these difficult times, this dressing was named by a visionary. Truly. They deserve all the glory.

As does my mom, actually. Thanks for the incredibly weird gift.