Western Living Magazine
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A Relaxing Getaway to San Juan Island: Wine, Alpacas and Farm-Fresh Finds
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AUDI: Engineered to Make You Feel
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The Secret Ingredient to Creating the Perfect Kitchen: Bosch
PHOTOS: Party Pics from the 2025 Western Living Design 25 Awards Party
Announcing the Winners of the 2025 Western Living Design 25 Awards
WL Design 25 Winners 2025: Curves Ahead
Editor's Pick
Silk pillow cases, a great mirror, a jute rugwe've got a type.
Last month, I took a skincare masterclass with Jennifer Brodeur—preferred facialist of Michelle Obama and other radiant-faced A-listers—and among her tips for healthy, glowing skin was investing in a silk pillowcase. This wasn’t the first time I’d heard about the benefits of sleeping on smooth, naturally hypoallergenic fibres—cotton, apparently, can be pretty rough on skin and hair, increasing the chance of wrinkles and frizzy bedhead. But hearing the advice straight from the lips of the person responsible for Oprah’s enviable complexion, I promptly placed a silk pillowcase high on my wish list. This machine-washable (!) one from Slip ($85) would be a dream.—Lucy Lau, style editor
I was lucky enough to spend a few days at The Four Seasons Lana’i this summer and one of their new options to keeping you busy was a small, bespoke blind wine tasting that you can sign up for. You show up and the GM and the Somm take you through a series of wines that you the try to figure out out with a series of clues. So far, a pretty standard blind tasting. But then they pull out a seemingly endless series of vials, each containing a distinct smell that you also have to guess and that will help you ascertain what the wine is. There are few things more aggravating or fun than smelling an aroma you’ve sniffed a 1,000 times and not being able to figure out that it’s, say, melted butter or cinnamon.After we were done, I asked about the vials and was told they were part of a set called Le Nez du Vin that’s made in France. You can get 12 vials, you can just get ones that have red-wine (cassis, cedar, etc.) or white-wine (pineapple, wax, etc.) aromas or you can get the 54-vial set that has every possible scent under the sun with index cards that allow you to really refine your sense of smell the next time you plunk your nez down into a glass of wine. You can buy the set at Atkinson’s and, at $550, it ain’t cheap (although the introductory kits are $60), but it’s cheaper than a few nights at the Four Seasons.—Neal McLennan, travel editor
When I was a six year old begging every mall Santa who would give me the time of day for a Polly Pocket Magical Mansion With Real Working Lights and a Spinning Dance Floor (!!), could I have ever imagined that in 2018 the item on top of my holiday wish list would be…a mirror? I would hope my childhood self would be able to see the beauty of this marble-and-brass accented Surya ($269), the result of an India-inspired collaboration between designer Aly Velji and Mobilia—after all, I clearly had a passion for interior design even then, albeit at a smaller scale. —Stacey McLachlan, executive editor
Do you ever have one of those eye-opening moments when you realize, wait a second, I HATE this thing in my house? Such is the way with the runner I have in the front hallway, purchased nearly six years ago as a placeholder until I found something I liked better. I have found that thing: it’s a Nodi rug ($1,560). Designed by New Zealander Olivia Smith and produced at ethical GoodWeave-certified factories in India, they’re made of natural jute and feel both warm and organic, and, bonus, come in this gorgeous indigo shade too. I may never leave my front hallway again. —Anicka Quin, editorial director
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